Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Border Collie Best In Occupy Denver Show

 Most groups around the world are refusing to meet government demands to act conventionally. The Mile High City is only a bit different.
The group, which has clashed on several occasions with downtown Denver police announced it would name a director: but the activists chose a dog named Shelby.
An unidentified spokesman said that if corporations can be people, as the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled, then dogs can as well.
"Shelby is closer to a person than any corporation: she can bleed, she can breed, and she can show emotion. Either Shelby is a person, or corporations aren't people," the spokesperson said.
A statement emailed to the media Tuesday said: "Newly-elected leader Shelby will be leading this Saturday's Occupy Denver march against Corporate Personhood, and invites all other civic minded dogs (and their leash-holders) to join.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting tactic - I agree - and Border Collies are smarter than most people I know, anyway!

    :- )
