The box office dominating movie about the American sniper isn’t nearly as interesting as the role of the media in the past 15 years.
Perhaps the story should told by a director who doesn’t talk to an empty chair.
It is a good time to review that role now that the media is trying to crush Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations by making it seem to be a crime to use a private email.
Here is a review of some of what these same journalists did in the past 15 years.
Start with the decision to not pursue the theft of the presidential election of 2000 by George Bush. There was no question he got fewer votes.
Jewish Holocaust victims voting for Pat Buchanan? How plausible is that. Blacks were stopped from voting by Florida State Troopers.
The Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court intervened and blocked the Florida state supreme court from handling the case.
Then we got warnings of an imminent terror attack. Bush ignored them. An FBI agent warns that one of the pilots told his trainers he did not need to know how to land.
The media trumpeted stories extolling the skill of the killer pilots. Stories about tips that were ignored were given little attention.
Questions were raised by architects about whether the planes crashing into the two towers could bring them down. Some such stories filed by writers were ignored.
Former President Bush then decided to use the attacks as a way to get even with Saddam Hussein for making his presidential father look stupid. He enlisted the New York Times, the same Times pushing the Clinton email stories, to push stories about non-existent weapons of destruction in Iraq.
Stories about Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney avoiding combat in Vietnam were put on back pages, when newspapers were still the main source of news.
More attention was paid to Baghdad than Afghanistan, allowing Osama bin Laden to escape. NFL football star Pat Tillman gave up his high salary to die for his country, the victim of “friendly fire.”
Taxes were reduced at a time when money was needed for two wars, especially to pay the health costs of wounded veterans. It was during this period that the Tea Party appeared.
There were signs everywhere that the country’s economic boom, which resulted from former President Bill Clinton balancing the budget, was headed for a crash.
Bush the second declared victory in Iraq a decade before the war briefly ended.
Long-term allies like France were insulted for refusing to join the war. The media got many laughs out of the U.S. Congress taking “French fries” off its menu.
Don’t forget Katrina. Bush was too busy to pay much attention at first.
It would take a Leo Tolstoy to write the war and peace story of Bush.
The Clinton story stinks. Every email she sent or received was also received or sent by another entity. She couldn’t destroy them even if she wanted to make them disappear.
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