Thursday, October 20, 2016

American Election Faces Biggest Threat Since Civil War

Not since the Civil War has a major party refused to accept the results of a presidential election.
Donald Trump did just that in the final debate, and Thursday he added ammunition to that threat. He claimed the debate was rigged.
And like the Confederate states he made clear he was opposed to the election of Hillary Clinton and would never accept it. The Confederate states did at least wait until after the vote, though they announced their plan before Abraham Lincoln took office.
About this time the Republican party must be wondering if it could do an episode of the new show Timeless in which the characters would go back in time and eliminate Trump, which would theoretically violate the time machine’s charter but also seems to happen.
Many Republicans rejected Trump, mostly the usual suspects.
“The biggest loser tonight was not Trump, the presidential race is over,” said Robert Blizzard, a GOP pollster who is working on a number of congressional races. “Instead, down-ticket Republicans lost tonight — they needed some help and got absolutely none.”
And as in the Civil War, Trump had his foreign supporters. Hillary Clinton accused him of being a tool of Russia’s Putin.
Lenin once referred to politicians of foreign countries who supported the Russian Revolution as “useful idiots.”
Trump had his supporters Thursday morning, proving he was right, to a certain extent, that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and get way with it.
The New York Times, in an editorial, said, Mr. “Trump’s meltdown in the closing weeks could be dismissed as a sore loser’s bizarre attempt at rationalizing his likely defeat. But his trashing of the democratic process, in service of his own ego, risks lasting damage to the country, and politicians of both parties should recoil from him and his cynical example.”
The insults and false statements that preceded his potential treason meant that once again polls show Trump lost.
His rollout of Trump TV on Facebook raises the question of whether the nation needs two Fox networks. Ironically, a Fox employee, served as the moderator, the night Trump imploded.

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