Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Much of mainstream media seeking to defeat Hillary

The mainstream media is promoting Donald Trump and seeking to derail Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump merely has to pick up the phone to get on CNN.
It is the same kind of campaign waged to gain support for the Iraq War.
Ironically, the New York Times is playing a big role again. But this time the Times has stopped the anti-Hillary campaign in mid-stream, admitting sloppy reporting was behind much of the “email scandal.”
A favorable review of book critical of Clinton was found to be full of errors, a Times review found.
Executive Editor Dean Baquet referred to one episode fas a “screwup,” according to Media Matters.
Two senior editors have been demoted.
This development has gotten very little coverage in the rest of the mainstream media.
Is it because their tirades were triggered by reporting in the Times?
Such reporting in the Times helped gain the Bush Administration the support it needed to wage war on Iraq.
Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan says the paper has been hitting Clinton much harder than other candidates.
A Times’ announcement of the change was full of praise for those being dumped.
One of them, Washington Editor Elisabeth Bumiller, wrote an authorized biography of Condee Rice. Bumiller was criticized for refusing to ask former President George Bush hard questions about Iraq.

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