On the anniversary of Sept. 11, Hillary Clinton’s lead over
Donald Trump advanced for the first time in a week.
She had dropped to plus 2.7 a week ago in the Real Clear Politics
average. On Sunday she was up to plus 3.1.
She held on the five-point lead she has had in the Huffing Post
Pollster 46.8 to 41.8. She even held the four-point lead she has had for
several days on the Republican-leaning Rasmussen Poll.
The Washington Post also gave her a five-point lead but said
to win she will need a strong turnout. If the multiple phone calls people are
getting from the parties, even on the weekend on mobile phones, the turnout
machine is on.
The New York Times says one change could have an impact on
Nov. 8. A Silicon Valley group of entrepreneurs, VoteCastr, is working on
releasing exit polls and other turnout information before the polls close.
Some, including Congress, have feared this could the vote.
Voters might not show up if their candidate is winning or change their
mind vote for the one who appears head.
“For decades, news organizations have refrained from
releasing early results in presidential battleground states on Election Day,
adhering to a strict, time-honored embargo until a majority of polls there have
closed,” the Times reported.
“VoteCastr, plans real-time projections of presidential and
Senate races in Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin.”
Ken Smukler, VoteCastr founder, said, “It’s what campaigns do. We’re flipping up the
kimono and letting people see what campaigns do on Election Day.”
If Clinton wins, would lifting that kimono show why the
Trump surge stalled?
There are at least two reasons. Clinton stopped avoiding the
media, invited them on her plane and met with them almost daily. That was found
to mean the media would treat her with more respect.
Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson said Trump has made at
least 150 mistakes, and they keep on coming.
“You can have a misunderstanding. You can say things that
are wrong. But then when you continue to say those things wrong in the face of
what the facts are, to me, that is a whole different story,” Johnson said.
“Donald Trump is confronted with issues where he is saying things wrong, and
yet continues to say those things wrong,” Johnson told the New York Daily News.
In the past two weeks there has been pressure from the top
media to stop focusing so much on Hillary’s email and pay attention to Trump’s
faults. They included the Trump University scandal that could send him to jail.
Media have published long lists of scandals involving Trump, sometimes
involving alleged bribes.
President Obama’s deal with Russia over Syria, whether it
lasts or not, suggests that Trump’s friendship with Vladimir Putin is a
Expect a Twitter attack because Hillary could only handle 90
minutes at the 9/11 ceremony Sunday. Many women defended her, nothing she is
heat intolerant because of menopause, and wearing Kevlar made her very hot.
Equally important, she probably was distraught to be at the scene of Ground
Zero even 15 years later.
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