Monday, May 4, 2015

Is drug war’s goal jailing blacks?

Instead of the widespread acceptance of reports blacks are jailed far more often for drug crimes, perhaps it should be given the dignity of a theory.
Perhaps the mass incarceration of blacks, and shootings that necessarily entails, is the goal.
The ACLU says: “The War on Marijuana has, quite simply, served as a vehicle for police to target communities of color.”
Some black leaders thought drugs would be used, even provided, to prevent the creation of a Black messiah.
Reciting arrest details and police shootings only show the tip of the iceberg.
Jeffrey Tobin writes in the New Yorker that prosecutors “may wield even more power than cops.” They make decisions, which result in more blacks than their population would justify, go to the jail.
“And prosecutors make these judgments almost entirely outside public scrutiny.”
There is no evidence that blacks smoke dope more than whites.
An ACLU report found “on average, a Black person is 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than a white person, even though Blacks and whites use marijuana at similar rates.”
Hillary Clinton, abandoning a key principle that made her husband successful, is challenging the “broken windows” theory.
“It’s time to end the era of mass incarceration,” she said in a campaign speech.
Nothing would reduce the trend faster than legalizing marijuana. It is the carte blanche cops use to bust blacks.
Time after time the blacks who end up in jails have rap sheets that began with possession of marijuana.
Science shows that marijuana does not belong in the class of Schedule 1 drugs.
Have cops become addicted to drug arrests? It wins them awards and paramilitary equipment. Is the drug war the gateway drug that attracts thousands of cops, deputies and federal agents to a war with few boundaries?
History shows that anti-marijuana laws were boosted to the federal level to protect manufacturers of synthetic hemp.
But like drones, it flies anywhere now, and often with few real controls. Bureaucrats in Washington can’t exercise more control on their partying agents any better than drone operators can from the parking lot in Langley, Va.
Blacks leaders are loathe to push for legalization because they can see the real harm that follows.
It’s difficult to imagine it could come even close to what the drug wars are already doing to the black community.
Mexican cartels depend on marijuana sales and have already been hurt by the meager legalization schemes in four U.S. states.
Cannabis prices have crashed, and relying on heroin and other hard drugs makes targeting them more acceptable to the public.
The U.S. strategy of killing the kingpins, hasn’t been much more effective than combatting terrorism. It is like whack-a-mole.
Kingpin replacements may have less experience or they may be even more reckless and dangerous. One thing is for sure, taking them out has frequently led to increased production as farmers no longer worry about sharing their take.

1 comment:

  1. A black leader in the US once voiced the opinion that the advent of easy drugs happened in order to blunt the Black Power movement, that drugs would work where overt persecution failed. That sounds like a pile of hot, steaming ka ka to me at the time, but it's starting to look more plausible with each death of young people of colour.
