Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Short-Sentence Presidential Candidate

Now the nation knows why Donald Trump fires bursts of insults and says little of substance. He can’t.
We saw it this week when Trump’s campaign had weeks to prepare speeches.
Two of the instances of plagiarism in the middle of the Republican convention this week that crowned him as their candidate has shown that his family has little of its own to say.
There have been instances of candidates stealing the words of others throughout American history.
But this time Trump’s wife stole from a speech by Democrat First Lady Michelle Obama.
For those who think it is just a detail remember that Vice President Joe Biden had to drop his candidacy for the presidency in 1988 and he had swiped words from a British official.
And Wednesday it was disclosed that one of Trump’s children, Donald Jr., had also plagiarized material, this time from an article in the American Conservative.
The Melania Trump plagiarism, which the campaign has refused to apologize for, has outshown the convention this week and dozens of articles have repeated the offending words.
It shows how much the Trumps put themselves above the rest of us that Donald Trump Jr. did the same thing during the convention Tuesday night.
 “Our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now they’re stalled on the ground floor. They’re like Soviet-era department stores that are run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers, for the teachers and administrators and not the students,” Trump Jr. said.
“In a May article in the American Conservative titled Trump vs the New Class F.H. Buckley wrote ‘What should be an elevator to the upper class is stalled on the ground floor. Part of the fault for this may be laid at the feet of the system’s entrenched interests: the teachers’ unions and the higher-education professoriate. Our schools and universities are like the old Soviet department stores whose mission was to serve the interests of the sales clerks and not the customers. Why the sales clerks should want to keep things that way is perfectly understandable.”
This is the essence of white privilege — even clear fuckups get explained away and come with little consequence. Meanwhile, if you're black, telling the truth can cost you everything. And after all that, you can be subjected to eight years of disrespect and then have your very words stolen, while the same people who have cast aspersions upon you claim their actions are justified. Moreover, you get to watch people profit from your labor, while telling you that labor is unremarkable and meaningless.
Cosmopolitan wrote an article about the incidents headlined “Melania Trump's Plagiarism Is an Example of White Privilege.”
The article condemned Melania and others for taking credit for the work of black women.
There is “nothing particularly unique or remarkable about Obama's own words. I guess this is what Melania Trump, and generations of white women, mean by ‘help.’ It seems to mean that they rely upon black women's labor to help them look good, sound good, and gain influence, while treating that labor as wholly expendable.”
The article went on to say: “Words mean things. And plagiarism means using the ideas or words of another person without proper attribution. Rather than acknowledge this, Paul Manafort, the head of the Trump campaign, argued that this is all an elaborate ruse by the Clinton campaign. ‘This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down,’’ Manafort claimed.
Many TV pundits expressed their sympathy for the poor Slovenia girl, the same person we learned this week lied when she said she had a college degree.
“This is the essence of white privilege — even clear fuckups get explained away and come with little consequence. Meanwhile, if you're black, telling the truth can cost you everything. And after all that, you can be subjected to eight years of disrespect and then have your very words stolen, while the same people who have cast aspersions upon you claim their actions are justified. Moreover, you get to watch people profit from your labor, while telling you that labor is unremarkable and meaningless,” Cosmopolitan said.

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